Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy has been developed based on the traditional medical care approach to relieve pain and discomfort by simply placing hands and/or giving gentle massages over the body.
Most people have similar experiences where during childhood, by having mother or father gently casting hands over where the pain is, the pain somehow goes away. We give an interpretation to such phenomena from the physiologic standpoint and have developed an effective and practical technique called Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy.
Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy technique is very much safe and can be applied to all ages from infants to over 100 years old. Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy gives all its clients a sense of security and mental and physical relief.
Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy is also known for its immediate effects. It can relieve pain and discomfort without using any medicine or medical equipment or giving strong stimuli to the body. By experiencing the therapy, many clients have expressed their amazement and have deepened their awareness toward their conditions. Therapist his/herself often surprises by seeing the immediate effect takes place on site.
Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy has given its attention to relation between muscle tissue contraction and pain. We can bring about great changes to pain and discomfort in the body by relieving tension in muscle tissue.
Chronic pain and discomfort, generally known as Second Pain, is created by the information processing in the sensory integration domains of the brain. The brain integrates the sensory inputs from the body. We have assumed that the brain also collects sensory inputs from muscle tissue contraction. Thus by relieving the muscle strain, we can rewrite sensory information and change the pain sensibility.
Furthermore, the muscle strain release technique unique to Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy can also release tension in smooth muscles and vascular smooth muscles of the internal organs. By applying our muscle strain release technique, all muscles will relax and regain their nice and smooth activities which would also very likely to help clients recover from internal diseases.
Yurashi Gentle Touch Therapy is also effective in relieving mental stress. Mental disorder is the cardinal symptom of about 20% of our clients, and we have confirmed that they experience improvement in mental conditions after receiving our therapy.
We have received many letters from our clients. We are very happy and proud to prove worthy of our clients’ trust. Here are some testimonials we would like to share. We hope these messages will be helpful to those who suffer from pain.
Koji Matsunaga
Born in Tokyo in 1974
Heilpraktikerschule Düsseldorf Special lecturer
(Heilpraktikerschule Düsseldorf Natural Therapeutic medical school )
Yurashi International representative
He had suffered from heavy Cluster Headache for 3 years, which was an opportunity to learn Alternative medicine. He started his new business in his age of 24. He has given his therapy to patients who suffered from a pain like he had and Incurable diseases.20,000 patients got over by taking his therapy.
He instructed Yurashi Therapy to more than 300 students who are Judo therapists, acupuncturists, Physicians and orthopedists.
This Therapy got great evolution in Germany, because the doctors in Germany noticed new idea and discovery focused on muscle Homeostasis.
He opened Yurashi course and has the lecture and workshop in Natural Therapists Society held each area in Germany. Natural Therapists have a national license(the same kind of license as doctors have).
Yurashi presentation acquired level 1.5 ( There are 5 levels to evaluate. 1 is the best grade and 5 is the worst.) in the participants held by Germany natural therapeutic society( Let’s Work 2013 ) in 2013.
★Yurashi support cases
Types of pain : Migraine, Scholar, Stuff shoulder, Backache, Coxalgia, Tendonitis, Elbow pain, Gonalgia, Sprains, A pulled muscle, Talalgia, Ankle pain, Plantar soles, A blow, Inflammation, Stomachache, Menstrual pain, Back pain and so on
Adaptive disease : Inflammation(tendinitis, Plantar fasciitis, Shoulder inflammation, Pubic osteitis and so on)・Meniscus injury・Patella partita, Bipartite patella, Jumper's knee, Shin splints, Osgood-Schlatter disease, Purpura(Purple spot ), Systemic lupus erythematosus, TMJ arthrosis, sprain, A pulled muscle, Caning fladge, Fracture AfterEffects, Surgery After Effects, Accident After Effects, Constipation, Menstrual pain, Menopause, Cervical disc herniation, Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sleep disorder, Poor circulation, Gout, Outside the valgus, Infertility, Mental disease, Collagen diseases, Aftereffects of brain infarction, Crohn's disease, Swelling, Canker sores,
Allergy( food, cosmetics and so on ) and so on
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